Pre-arranged events

We understand that one of the most difficult periods in a person’s life, is when somebody close passes away, particularly so when it is sudden. Emotions are raw and the mind is numb, yet there are still telephone calls to be made, and things to be done.

Who do I ring, what do I say, have I told everybody?

There is a funeral to be organised and I don’t know what to do.  

Grief overtakes the reality of the situation, it all becomes surreal, and valuable time slips away. All of us will eventually pass away and hopefully people will reflect kindly on us. We can however make things easier for those we leave behind and pre-arrange specific matters.

We highly recommend that you take advantage of "Last Doc's". Once you join My Life My Legacy it is automatically included as part of your membership.

When the member enters a date of marriage or reaches a specific age, "Last Doc's automatically prompts the member about the need for important matters to be taken care of, such as a Last Will and Testament and Life or Funeral Insurance.

When a date of death is entered the following automatically occurs.

Once a date of death is entered into the system My Life My Legacy (Or "Last Doc's) for a member the following events will automatically occur,  

  1. Any nominated Funeral Parlour, Executor, Solicitor, Accountant, Insurance Companies automatically receive notification of the members passing by email.
  2. The late members personal web pages inside My Life My Legacy are locked off and no changes can be made.
  3. A new page appears showing the persons picture, date and location of birth, Date and location of Death, cause of Death.  
  4. An "In memoriam" page appears inside the late members My Life My Legacy location and allows messages of condolences and or short videos of condolence to be published.
  5. Nominated Friends and Relatives automatically receive notification of the members passing.(or that they should contact a particular person urgently)
  6. Automatically unlocks "Last Doc's" and notifies an executor (and Solicitor) where important legal documents are located. 
  7. Once a date and location of the Funeral is entered the above persons automatically receive notification of the time and location.
  8. Any final videos previously uploaded and that the member wanted released after their passing become available for viewing.
  9. Pictures and Videos of the service are able to be uploaded to the "In memoriam" page.
  10. 14 days after the date of the funeral, notifications are automatically sent to relatives and beneficiaries, that specific documents and videos such as a "Competency Video" or a "Living will video" or other important documents are possibly held with a particular Solicitor or Executor or other person.

Start protecting your wishes today Click here to go to My Escrow Documents.
