Frequently asked questions

Q. Why only a “Natural Persons” as members?

A.My Life My Legacy is specifically designed to allow a natural person to upload their individual life story for posterity, including important pictures and videos and documents, so that you and your family, and future descendants are able to see your real life story in decades to come.

 “Artificial Legal Entities” (i.e. Family Trusts, Companies, Associations, Charities etc.) are not permitted to become a member of My Life My Legacy, any member must have lived and breathed and obtained a birth certificate

Q. Do you allow “Children to have a membership”?

A. No, we only allow adults over the age of 18 years to join as a single member. There is a great deal of debate Worldwide over children being allowed access to the internet under the age of 18 years, so we have taken the position that only individual adults over the age of 18 are able to become members. We do however recommend that the Adult member sit with a child (Son or daughter or grandchild etc) and show them how to properly use the internet and in particular assist the child in uploading and identifying pictures within the adult’s membership of My Life My Legacy so that the child is receiving proper instruction in a safe and loving environment, plus they are learning about that person's life story and potentially create an emotional bond.

Q. What are the charges?

A. Please see our membership fees page.

Q. Do I have to renew the membership each year to ensure that my “stored data” is retained?

A. No, while each membership is for a 12 months period, during which time you can upload, delete and or make comments inside your membership, after which time if you don’t want to renew then you don’t have to, however all “stored data” is retained until you decide you wish to renew your access membership or if you pass away. It may be many years later when you realise you want to add recent important events, or revisit your precious memories, then all you pay is the fees applicable at that time.

Q. So, you won’t deliberately delete any of my stored data?

A. That is correct. Provided you have paid your first full year’s membership we will not delete your data, however once that 12 month period lapses you will not be able to gain access to your data unless your annual membership has been paid, or someone has entered your date of death and your life story is made public.

Q. Do I have to pay for the period of time I allowed my membership to lapse.

A  No, only for future access time.

Q  How much space do you provide per member.  

A. 1 Terrabyte. But extra space can be purchased.

Q. When I add someone as a family member to “My Family” must that person be related by birth or adopted according to law?

A. That is a matter for yourself. We suggest that it is best to firstly add all your family members created by birth or marriage, or lawful adoption, however we recognise that over the years that some people become such an integral part of people’s lives,that they also become an important part of that family structure,it is for you to decide who you consider making a family member.

However, for the sake of providing accurate information to your descendant’s you will be asked when adding a person to identify the correct relationship (Son, Daughter, Mother, Father, (“Brother adopted by friendship” etc.)  

Q. Do you save all pics and documents in full resolution within my membership?

A. No, we compress your pics and documents, but not videos, to an acceptable resolution. That also reduces the costs of storage to an acceptable price.

Q. Am I going to be plagued by emails from people wanting to sell me a service or product?

A. No, we will not sell your email address or personal details to any third party, the only emails you will receive will be those from us in relation to your membership or your entry of information into "Last Docs", or asking you to take part in a survey or seeking to locate a lost relative or will and testament etc.  

Q.  Can I search and access another family member data?

A. Yes and no. If you are a member of My Life My Legacy and have located a family member or friend and sent a “Friend Request” through My Life My Legacy, and they have positivly responded, you will then be able to see their albums etc. You will only be able to access the information allowed by the member, you will not be able to amend or delete any data on that person’s membership. However, once a person becomes deceased, then all data is locked off and cannot be removed and any member of MLML Worldwide will be able to access all data of that person. 

Q. Can I download all my pictures and videos?

A. Yes, you can, there is a facility to allow you to download all your pictures and videos currently uploaded to MLML. It is a matter for you if you want to also delete the data from MLML or leave it there. 

Q. What happens if I accidently delete a picture or video or an album?

A.  The contents of the album will appear in "Shoebox" and allow you to recreate the Album. However if you delete from the "Shoebox" then you may not be able to recover any item.

Q.  What happens if I accidently delete an album from "Shoebox"?

A.  You will need to contact us and we will advise what, if any album material is able to be recovered. There may be a charge involved.

Q. Do you sell my personal data to marketing companies?

A. No, we will never sell your personal data to marketing companies

Q. What if I want specific data deleted from another person’s pages?

A. That will depend on the basic question, does the material;

i) Promote matters of crime or violence

ii) Promote paedophilia

iii) Advocate terrorist acts

iv) Depict gratuitous depictions of violence and sexual violence

v) Is sexually explicit.

In which case you may need to contact the Esafety Commission at

My Life My Legacy will not enter into any dispute between you and another person in regards to a picture etc being defamatory or inaccurately attributed, or parts blacked out. We will not look at any material you nominate as obcene or child abuse or pornography as that in itself may be an offence and you will need to contact the Federal or State Police in your particular area.

Q. Do you record any personal information?

A. Yes, we must, the very purpose is to store your most important memories, and future generations need to know that they are viewing the correct persons life story.  Imagine the difficulty trying to locate "John Smith" it is only the ancillary information that separates the correct "John Smith" from the thousands of others.  However, this is always subject to relevant privacy legislation. Also, we must record your personal data for our accounting requirements, but we don’t allow any access to any private or stored data, other than in accordance with our terms and conditions and any applicable legislation.   

We also collect statistical information that cannot identify you or any other person to ensure that we are targeting the correct demographics and geographical area, amongst other things this type of information allows us to make appropriate changes to My Life My Legacy.

Q. Assume that a member is in the process of uploading data, and then passes away, and I want to ensure that the balance of the data is also stored to honor that person, how do I manage to do that?  

A. If you don’t have that persons, username and password, then you won’t be able to access and upload data.

What you can do however is create an album just for the person inside your own membership, upload all the material you want to, and then link it to the deceased person. 

Q. What happens when the “Date of Death is entered?

A.  Once the date of death has been entered, nobody will be able to enter any additional pictures, videos etc. because this will automatically create’s an “In Memoriam” page and locks the stored data from amendment or deletion. It will also activate ""Last Docs", and any person you have nominated will be informed of your demise, and where important documents may be located.

When a date of death is entered the following automatically occurs .

  1. A "In memoriam"  page will simultaneously appear in both in My Life My Legacy and "Last Docs" and allows messages of condolences to be published.
  2. Friends, Relatives and any Executor, Funeral Parlour, Funeral Insurance Coy, Solicitor, Accountant and Insurance Companies will automatically receive notification of the members passing.
  3. Once a date and location of the Funeral is entered the above persons automatically receive notification.
  4. Any final videos that the member only wanted released after death will be available for viewing
  5. Pictures and Videos of the service will be able to be uploaded to the "In memoriam" page
  6. 14 days after the date of the funeral, notifications automatically sent to any nominated Executor,that specific documents and videos such as a "Competency Video" or a "Living will video" or other important documents (Last Will & Testament, Insurance Policies) are possibly held with a particular Solicitor or Executor or other person.

Q. Can I add more information to the members albums, after their date of death has been entered?

A. Yes, but only to the “In Memoriam” page of a deceased member.

Version 8.
