Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision.  

“To be the premier family connection and personal memorabilia storage location Worldwide”.

 Our Mission

"To provide a unique and safe platform for members to communicate with their siblings, extended family members and record specific information for posterity, so that current and future generations may hear and see that person's life story with a high degree of confidence that the information is historically accurate".

Our Purpose.

“To provide a safe and permanent Worldwide family memorabilia storage location for natural members, where unique family pictures, videos, and personal stories are preserved, and made available forevermore”.

Our Guiding Principles.

”To act at all times in the best interests of the family unit and society as a whole”.

 Our Guiding Values.

To do all things to serve our mission with uncompromising integrity.

                                                                            “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture, is like a tree without roots.”  

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Marcus Garvey 1887 – 1940
