Offensive Material.

Members and visitors are made aware that should they discover any material, by way of pictures, video’s, documents and or commentary, and that any person who views that material considers it to be offensive or unlawful, that they should identify such item and cause it to be blocked from immediate viewing.

Should any person identify potentially defamatory material, (or obscene material) the person who sees the offending publication is able to automatically block that publication for a period of 6 months, this is to give the complaining person the opportunity to attempt to resolve the matter, or continue the block in the event that they have engaged lawyers and the matter is now Sub Judicie.

By blocking the viewing of such item, the complainant’s identification details and the a short description of the item blocked will be automatically entered and a copy of the notification sent to the complainant and the relevant member’s email address (or executor’s email) as well as  My Life My Legacy.

However if pornographic, or supports and promotes child abuse and or hate groups, violence, illegal activity, extremist groups, or any other such unlawful description, notification should also be sent to the appropriate authority by the complaining member for their action.

My Life My Legacy, will not enter into any discussion or mediation or arbitration of any offending material. We will not look at any item, as by doing so may also constitute an offence. We will only be notifed that a complaint has been made by a person and that it may be of a specific category. 

The communication of  a copy of the complain to My Life My Legacy is simply for proof that you have made the complaint.

The dispute will be solely between the offending member and the complainant and the relevant authorities.

We shall naturally assist any Law enforcement agency. 

