Fees and Charges

14 Days Free Trial period.  Potential new members are provided with a 14 day free trial period, subject to the person only being able to upload a maximum of 2 Gb of data, (pictures and Video's only) the purpose being to allow the potential member the oportunity to see the benefits of using My Life My Legacy. The full array of functions including My Last Docs, only become available when the person has joined and paid the first 12 months membership.  

All uploaded data will remain in that person's data base, and will not be deleted, even if the person does not pay the first years joining membership.

The 12 months period commences from the date of payment, even if that is months or years later.

Single Adult Membership                                                                             $125.00 p.a

Or,                                                                                                                    $13.00 p.c.m.

                                                                                                                         All fees are inclusive of Gst

Upload or retrieval of a document by the member into "My Escrow Documents"     No charge

All charges are in Australian $ or the approximate amount in another currency.

Space provided                                                                                             1 T.B of space

Additional Space $99 per                                                                              1 T.B of space

Why is My Life My Legacy different to other data storage locations?

Firstly, My Life My Legacy has been specifically designed to preserve a families valuable memorbillia, and provided the first year's full membership is paid, we will not ever delete your data. (Subject to the uploaded material complying with our Terms and Conditions)


Secondly,what if a member uploaded personal data and then dies? Until a date of death is entered, we have to treat the member as being alive and potentially a return member.

Plus it is part of our terms and conditions that in consideration of My Life My Legacy receiving the first years full membership we will not ever delete any data. Plus the intent of you uploading your memorabilia is to let your decendants see your life. Can't do that if we delete it. 

Thirdly, because of the different facilities and functions available to members inside My Life My Legacy (and My Escrow Documents) that are not currently available in other platforms, such as Ancestry.com or Facebook.com (Ability to create specific Albums. Videos and also communicate by Video Conferencing, plus link to My Escrow Documents)

How can you afford to do that?

Fourthly, we are relying on Moore's Law. Roughly that means "that space provided to do computer calculations doubles every two years, though the cost of computers (and storage space) is halved".

You only have to look at the computers onboard Apollo 11, today you have more space and speed in your mobile phone. And you know how cheap they are today.  

Fifthly. "Economies of scale". So as time proceeds our income increases as more members join My Life My Legacy and or use My Escrow Documents and our costs per member reduce.

Sixthly, We have a very tight management and software development team.  So our costs are very well controlled.

Seventh.Amortisation. Unlike other storage locations that ask you to pay in excess of $6,000, up front to store your data, We request members to pay a small amount each year they use it. Also we are confident that My Life My Legacy will become your only storage location for your precious memories.  

So we welcome you and your family to all join My Life My Legacy.

What if someone uploads all their business records and uses your system as a "Storage facility"? 

Our system only allows certain type of files to be uploaded, such as Jpg, Mp4, It will not allow a Pdf or a Word doc to be uploaded. If the user somehow manages to upload files that do not comply with our membership terms and conditions, we will remove the data and block the user. So we are confident that My Life My Legacy will only be used for its intended purpose.    

What if I pay the first years annual fee and upload all my material, then I dont use it again after that 12 month period?

Then your material will simply sit there, waiting for you to come back and look at it, or upload more material, or for a date of death to be entered.

If my membership has lapsed, can I still upload Pics and Videos to My Life My Legacy

No, if your membership has lapsed then you wont be able to gain access to your existing valuable information or save fresh material, you will need to pay the next 12 months membership fee to be able to gain access to My Life My Legacy and upload material to an Album


NB. "retain your data permanently" is subject to any "Force majeure" outside of our control. 






